
Industrial components for safety and security (B2B solutions)

RWS offers a wide range of products used in various manufacturing processes by other companies in numerous industries producing solutions for commercial as well as defence & law enforcement purposes.

In addition to a wide range of components for small calibre or small arms ammunition, RWS features a large variety of primer for medium and large calibre ammunition as well as pyrotechnical compositions that are mostly used in the automotive industry. Moreover, industrial cartridges (similar to blank ammunition) are developed and produced for use in system applications in direct fastening as well as in the food industry.

In all these areas, products are developed in very close cooperation with industrial customers (B2B). RWS’s strength lies in its ability to adjust products to satisfy diverse and specific customer requirements. The industrial products of RWS are not only standard or mass-produced articles, but are also customised solutions meeting the highest requirements imposed on products and systems of a high number of different industries.

Components for ammunition production

Ammunition consists of four components: cartridge case, primer cap, propellant powder and projectile. As one of the most important ammunition manufacturers, RWS GmbH produces all the components for its  ammunition products, except for propellant powder. The high quality standards of components make RWS the preferred partner of other ammunition manufacturers who gladly utilise RWS’s production know-how.



Primer caps are applied not only to ignite ammunition but also in other applications, which require fast reaction. In addition to Berdan primer caps and primer caps with an anvil (Boxer) RWS manufactures stab primer, friction primer, electric primer, ignition chains and propellant charge primer. Actuators complete the range of products.


Blank Cartridges

Propellant cartridges are used in dynamic devices in which something is moved by means of gas pressure. These are mainly blank cartridges whereby the case of the propellant tank, the powder charge and the primer charge or primer cap is the igniter. The propellant charge is converted into gas in order to move a pin within a pressured chamber. The pin in turn moves or activates another part. In addition to the described cartridges for direct fastening or animal stunning there are also special cartridges for activating ejection seats or defusing explosives. In all applications RWS works closely with system manufacturers and with its pyrotechnical knowhow is able to meet varied requirements.


Explosive Mixtures

The manufacturing of non-toxic primary explosives is a core expertise of RWS. In the 1920s the world’s first corrosionfree primer composition was developed with the brand name SINOXID®. In the 1980s the first heavy metal free primer composition followed with the brand name SINTOX®, which even today is still without competition. Today RWS continues to manufacture most of its products where possible with nontoxic (lead and other heavy metal free) primer compositions. Primer Compositions and pyrotechnical primer mixtures from RWS are primarily applied by customers in automotive safety systems (e.g. airbags and seat belt tighteners). Furthermore, there are many other fields of application including the aviation and space industries.


Contact Us

For further information or individual enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please get in touch with us.



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