DAG Line

As the original company name of Dynamit Nobel AG, the DAG Line is firmly established as an extremely reliable ammunition series of the highest quality standards and has gained worldwide recognition as a manufacturer‘s label in NATO. These premium cartridges for training and operations cover an extremely wide range of calibres – from 9x19 to 4.6x30 and 12/70.


  • DAG internationally established as a premium ammunition series for the highest quality standards
  • In use worldwide and optimised for the Bundeswehr and NATO partners
  • Available in calibres from 9x19 to 4.6x30 and 12/70

9x19 – the world's most successful handgun caliber

For more than 100 years, our 9x19 calibre duty and training ammunition has proven its value to a large number of law enforcement agencies and military forces around the world. Today, the portfolio includes a wide range of modern 9x19 loads for pistols and sub-machine guns. RWS GmbH is a leader in the sector of emission-reduced duty and training ammunition for law enforcement and military use.

4,6x30 – small, precise, powerful

The 4.6x30 cartridge was developed by the company more than 20 years ago in close collaboration with the German weapons manufacturer Heckler & Koch. As a result, RWS has a well-established expertise, which is reflected in all our high-quality products of this calibre. Today, the portfolio comprises products in the calibre 4.6x30 for use in special police units such as personal protection, as well as loads for infantry use in combat support troops or special units. The system is light and compact enough to be worn permanently on the body, as well as accurate and powerful enough to be effective against unprotected and protected targets at slightly longer ranges.

5,56x45 – used worldwide, appreciated worldwide

The 5.56x45 calibre ammunition is suitable for assault rifles and light machine guns and offers above-average precision and reliability. A large number of different armed forces rely on its performance day in, day out. RWS GmbH is particularly proud of the variety of solutions in this calibre that we can offer you to fulfill your mission.

12/70 – versatile for various applications

Since the turn of the 20th century, the 12/70 calibre has had a firm place in official and military applications. Today, tactical shotguns have become indispensable, and for good reason: their unrivalled versatility allows for a wide range of applications. Thanks to continuous development, the 12/70 calibre now offers an impressive range of ammunition types, from non-lethal projectiles to special breaching cartridges for door openings. This has earned it the reputation of being the Swiss army knife of calibres.


Our line of tradition


    The 12/70 Magnum ENTRY II is a particular shell used by special police units and military users to forcibly open doors.

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  • 4,6x30 FMJ SX

    The 4.6x30 FMJ SX was developed as a full metal jacket soft core cartridge together with Heckler & Koch – it is perfectly matched to the MP7.

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  • 9x19 LF FMJ SX

    The 9x19 LF FMJ SX is a lead-free cartridge with a full metal jacket bullet and zinc bullet core. It has been developed for authorities and the military and offers minimised emissions.

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Product overview

Our high-quality products are valued by armed forces and authorities around the world with a wide variety of requirement profiles. In addition to standard ammunition, which is fully NATO-qualified, we are also Europe's leading manufacturer when it comes to low-emission ammunition for use, training and simulation. Our portfolio is rounded off by specialised products for user-specific special applications.

Product overview



Visit us on 10th of July 2025 at the Infantry Day in Hammelburg, Germany.

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Visit us from 25-26 June 2025 at the Behördentage in Bad Oyenhausen, Germany.

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Beretta Defense Technologies

RWS is a proud member of the Beretta Defence Technologies Alliance.

BDT Website

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For further information or individual enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please get in touch with us.

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