Components for Ammunition Manufacture

Experience the precision in every round with RWS GmbH. We expertly craft three of the four essential ammunition components: cartridge cases, primer caps, and projectiles, as well as precursor products like brass cups. Our commitment to quality makes us the preferred partner for manufacturers worldwide. Discover the excellence that sets RWS apart.

Primer Caps for Small Arms Ammunition

The quality of the primer caps determines the quality of the ammunition. The compatibility of the primer caps with other ammunition components especially the cartridge case and propellant results in the  difference between a mass produced product and one which is specifically matched to a particular system. Only the best ammunition can provide the desired precision from the intended weapon. RWS uses its expertise and know-how to adjust each primer cap to suit specific customer requirements. RWS manufactures Berdan and Boxer primer caps for all current small calibres.


Besides projectiles of the most commonly used calibres for Armed Forces and law enforcement (5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 9 mm and 12.7 mm) RWS also manufactures a large variety of other special projectiles.


Cups are the component necessary for the production of cartridge cases. Cups are pressed from brass strips for cases and projectiles and undergo further finishing processes so that they can be best utilised in the manufacture of cases. The first manufacturing process determines the quality of the cases made from these cups. RWS delivers cups to customer specifications to optimise the further
production by the customer.

Cartridge Cases

RWS produces not only cartridge cases of the most commonly used calibres for Armed Forces and law enforcement (5.56 mm, 7.62 mm, 9 mm and 12.7 mm) but also a large variety of other cases.


Contact Us

For further information or individual enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please get in touch with us.